A 70 year old female with shortness of breath

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

A 70 year old female came to opd  with the chief complaints of shortness of breath since 10 days,fever since 10 days ,burning micturition  and decreased urine output  since 4 days , loss of appetite since 6 days,

HOPI : patient was alright 11 days back then she developed fever which is insidious in onset ,high grade,intermittent in nature associated with chills and rigor and it releived on taking medication .she is having shortness of breath grade 4 since 10 days,it aggravated 3 days back ,patient also complains of burning micturition and decreased urine output since 5 days

patient gives a history of diabetes mellitus from the past 15 years ,hypertension from 10 years ,she is taking medications tab metformin 500 mg po/od,tab telma 40 12.5 mg po/od, patient was taken to hospital 9 days back,and there  diagnosis of  typhoid was made and treatment was given 

past history: K/C/O  DM from 15 years

HTN Since 10 years

patient is not a k/c/o TB ,ASTHMA,CAD,EPILEPSY.

personal History: 

She consumes mixed diet

Appetite is decreased in the past 6 days

Sleep is adequate

Bowel regular and decrease in urine output.

No addictions.

Family history: no significant family history

GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: patient is conscious, coherent,cooperative well oriented to time ,place and person .she is obese and moderately nourished.

pallor  present

icterus absent

clubbing  absent

cyanosis  absent

lympadenopathy absent

edema present

VITALS at  time of admission
Bp: 130/90 mm Hg

pulse rate: 90 bpm

respiratory rate: 20 cpm

temperature: 98.9°F
spo2: 98

GRBS: 230 mg/ dl

systemic examination

precordial bulge is not seen

apex beat is present at 5 th ICS 

 S1 and S2 heart sounds heard
RS:Bilateral air entry present, shape of chest is normal,patient is having severe dyspnea ,trachea appears to be normal in central position,spine appear to be central,no visible scars ,sinuses,dilated veins,movements of all areas appear to be equal
vocal fremitus is felt equal on both sides,normal vesicular breath sounds 
Per abdomen: 
shape of abdomen distended 
flanks are full
all quadrants move equally with respiration
umblicus central and inverted
skin is normal 
no visible masses ,dilated veins,no  scars or pigmentation,no hernial orifices,no local rise of temperature,no guarding rigidity,no palpable organomegaly,abdomen is soft ,non tender,no shifting dullness and fluid thrills,bowel sounds heard
CNS: No focal neurological deficits





Head End Elevation upto 30°

Inj PIPTAZ 2.25 gram IV/ BD

Inj. Neomal 1gm Iv SOS if temp > 101F

T. Lasix 40mg PO/BD if SBP> 110mm hg

T. Nodosis 500 mg. PO/ TID

T. Orofer XT PO/ OD

T. Shelcal 500 mg PO/OD 

T. PCM 500 mg PO /SOS 

Cap Bio D3 PO /  weekly twice.

BP monitoring every 2 hours

Fever charting every 6 hours

Vitals monitoring every 4th hourly.


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